The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.
Nostradamus Century V, Quatrain 25
Nafi' ibn 'Utbah said :
"The Prophet (S) said, 'You will attack Arabia, and Allah will enable you to
conquer it. Then you will attack Persia, and Allah will enable you to
conquer it. Then you will attack Rome, and Allah will enable you to conquer
it. Then you will attack the Dajjal, and Allah will enable you to conquer
him.'" (Muslim.)
~ Hadeeth
A study of the events mentioned in the
Islamic prophecies in the Holy Koran and the Hadeeths reveal an astonishing
similarity with the events described in the prophecies of Nostradamus.
However, the perspective is different probably due to the fact that they
belong to the opposing camp. The basic premise of the Islamic prophecies are
the same i.e. during the war a Dajjal (Antichrist) will appear and will be
countered by the Christ in His Second Coming (described as "Jesus the son of
Mary" in Islam) assisted by Imam Mahdi (equivalent to the French Pope as
mentioned by Nostradmus). After the war, the Hour of Judgement will come.
The point of contention is obviously from which side these people will come.
However, the basic fact that there will be a war between Muslims and
Christians (described as Romans in the Islamic texts) are also mentioned in
the Islamic prophecies. Below are some of these prophecies. Read them and
form your own opinion.
37, Number 4281:
Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The flourishing state of
Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of
Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great
war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of
Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the
Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This
is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn
Comments: Yathrib is
Medina, one of the holy places of Islam. Constantinople is the modern
Istanbul in Turkey. It is said that the Antichrist will be revealed to
the world after the conquest of Constantinople.
will invade the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will grant it (to you).
Then (you will conquer) Persia and Allah will grant it (to you). Then,
you will invade Ar-Rum and Allah will grant it (to you). Then, you
will invade The Dajjal and Allah will grant him (to you)." Nafi' said
to Jabir, "O Jabir! We do not believe that the Dajjal will appear
until Ar-Rum (Rome) is conquered. (Muslim.)
Comments: This prophecy bears a
striking resemblance to quatrain V.25 of Nostradamus. Muslims will
invade Arabian Peninsula which probably refers to a coup against the
present western-leaning royal family. Then they will conquer Iran,
probably from the present reformist government there. The conquest of
Turkey, mentioned before has been described earlier. Next will come the
conquest of Rome which has been described also by Nostradamus.
Prophet (S) said, "The Hour (of Judgement) will not come until the
furthest border of the Muslims will be in Bula." Then he said, "O
'Ali!" 'Ali said, "May my father and mother be sacrificed for you!"
The Prophet (S) said, "You will fight the Romans, and those who come
after you will fight them, until the best people among the Muslims,
the people of al-Hijaz, will go out to fight them, fearing nothing but
Allah. They will conquer Constantinople with Tasbih and Takbir (saying
"Subhan Allah" and "Allahu Akbar"), and they will obtain booty the
like of which has never been seen - they will share it out by scooping
it up with their shields. Someone will come and say, 'The Dajjal has
appeared in your land', but he will be lying. Anyone who takes notice
of him will regret it, and anyone who ignores him will regret it." (Ibn
Comments: Here also the war with
Romans (Christians) and the conquering of Constantinople (Istanbul) is
described. Turkey is a NATO member and its government is a pro-western
one. So, the attack on Turkey would not come as a surprise. But this
would also involve all of NATO in that war as aggression against a NATO
state is taken as aggression against all the member countries.
37, Number 4282:
Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The greatest war, the conquest
of Constantinople and the coming forth of the Dajjal (Antichrist) will
take place within a period of seven months.
Comments: It is said here that the
conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) in Turkey (which was also called
Bizantium in the past) would follow the coming forth of the Antichrist
within 7 months.
37, Number 4285:
Narrated AbudDarda':
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The place of assembly of the
Muslims at the time of the war will be in al-Ghutah near a city called
Damascus, one of the best cities in Syria
Comments: It is revealed here that
the Muslim army will assemble near Damascus in Syria during the war.
This points to a possible confrontation with Israel and that the war
will engulf all of the Middle East.
the battle with the Romans, which ended with the conquest of
Constantinople, the Dajjal will appear, and Jesus the son of Mary will
descend from the Heaven to the earth, to the white minaret in the east
of Damascus, at the time of Salat al-Fajr (the morning prayer), as we
shall see in the Sahih Traditions.
Dhu Mukhammar said, "The Prophet (S) said, 'You will make a
peace-treaty with the Romans, and together you will invade an enemy
beyond Rome. You will be victorious and take much booty. Then you will
camp in a hilly pasture; one of the Roman men will come and raise a
cross and say "Victory to the Cross", so one of the Muslims will come
and kill him. Then the Romans will break the treaty, and there will be
a battle. They will gather an army against you and come against you
with eighty banners, each banner followed by ten thousand men.'"
(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah.)
Comments: Here it is specifically
said that the war will be fought beyond Rome, i.e. it will spread in the
rest of Europe too. The Islamic army will be victorious. Then
there will be a peace treaty, probably with the Anti-Pope as described
of the prophecies of Nostradamus. But the Anti-Pope will be killed when
he rebels. The peace treaty will be broken by the West and a war will
follow with the occupying Muslim force and combined forces from 80
countries with 800000 soldiers will fight the Islamic army. The outcome
of this war is not specified here.
Mustawrid al-Qurashi was sitting with 'Amr ibn al-'As, he said, "I
heard the Prophet (S) say, 'The Hour will come when the Romans will be
in the majority.' 'Amr asked him, "What are you saying?" He said, "I
am repeating that which I heard from the Prophet (S)." 'Amr said, "If
you say this, it is true, because they have four good characteristics:
they are the most able to cope with tribulation, the quickest to
recover after disaster and to return to the fight after disaster, and
are the best as far as treating the poor, weak and orphans is
concerned. They have a fifth characteristic which is very good: they
do not allow themselves' to be oppressed by their kings."
Comments: Here, however, it is
hinted that the Romans (Christians) will win and thereafter the Hour of
Judgement or the Judgement Day will come.
Ahmad narrated that Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-Aas said, "While we were
around the Messenger of Allah) writing (the Hadith) the Messenger of
Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam was asked/ 'Which of these two
cities will be conquered first, Constantinople or Romiyah (Rome)?' He
said, 'The city of Heraclius will first be conquered.' He meant
Constantinople.'' [Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 508.
Comments: It is mentioned here
that the city of Istanbul will be conquered first followed by Rome.
Prophet (S) said, "You will fight the Romans, and Believers from the
Hijaz will fight them after you, until Allah enables them to conquer
Constantinople and Rome with Tasbih and Takirr (saying "Subhdn Allah"
and "Allahu Akbar"). Its fortifications will collapse, and they will
obtain booty the like of which has never been seen, so that they will
share it out by scooping it up with their shields. Then someone will
cry, 'O Muslims! the Dajjal is in your country, with your families',
and the people will leave the wealth. Anyone who takes notice will
regret it and anyone who ignores it will regret it. They will ask,
'Who shouted?' but they will not know who he is. They will say, 'Send
a vanguard to Ilya'. If the Dajjal has appeared, you will hear about
his deeds.' So they will go and see, and if they see that everything
is normal, they will say, 'No-one would give a shout like that for no
reason, so let us go together to Ilya'.' If we find the Dajjal there
we will fight him together, until Allah decides between us and him. If
we do not find the Dajjal, we will go back to our country and our
families.' "
Comments: After the fall of
Rome and probably Europe, rumour will spread among the Muslim army about
the appearance of the Antichrist in their countries.
Hurayrah said, "The Prophet (S) said, 'The Hour will not come until
the Romans camp at al-A'mash or Dabiq. An army, composed of the best
people on earth at that time, will come out from Madinah to meet them.
When they have arranged themselves in ranks, the Romans will say, 'Do
not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let
us fight with them.' The Muslims will say, 'No, by Allah, we will
never stand aside from you and our brothers.' Then they will fight.
One-third will run away, and Allah will never forgive them. One-third
will be killed, and they will be the best of martyrs in Allah's sight.
'One-third, who will never be subjected to trials or tribulations,
will win, and will conquer Constantinople. Whilst they are sharing out
the booty, after hanging their swords on the olive-trees, Satan will
shout to them that the Dajjal has taken their place among their
families. They will rush out, but will find that it is not true. When
they come to Syria, the Dajjal will appear, while they are preparing
for battle and drawing up the ranks. When the time
for prayer comes, Jesus the son of Mary will descend and lead them in
prayer. When the enemy of Allah (i.e. the Dajjal) sees him, he will
start to dissolve like salt in water, but Allah will kill him.'"
Comments: Here it has been
described that the Christian army while trying to rescue some people
captured by a Muslim country will be confronted by a Muslim alliance.
This reminds one of Nostradamus's quatrain
III.78, where the capture of
British and Germans by Eastern forces has been described. Turkey will probably side with the NATO forces. After this, a war will
ensue, resulting in conquering of Constantinople by the Islamic forces.
Later the "Dajjal" or the Antichrist will appear in Syria when
preparation of war is going on at that front. The Antichrist will be
killed by "Jesus the son of Mary" in that war.
Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The Mahdi will be of my stock,
and will have a broad forehead a prominent nose. He will fill the
earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and
tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.
Comments: Here the Imam Mahdi
has been described. Imam Mahdi is very similar to the Pope as described
by Nostradamus, but on opposing sides.
Hadhrat Abbas (R.A) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi
Wassallam) has said, "Islam will spread far and wide, across the seas.
Horses will cross the land and seas in the cause of Jihaad. Then a
time will come wherein a group of people will emerge which recites the
Quraan. They will claim,
'We have recited the Quraan and is there anyone who understands the
Quraan better than us? There is NO ONE more proficient than us in the
study of the Quraan.'
Then Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) asked the Sahaba, "Do
you see any good in their claims?" The Sahaba replied, "No".
Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) said, "But these conceited
claimants will be from my Ummah and will be the fuel of the Fire."
-from "Signs of Qiyamah" (excerpts) by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali
Comments: Here it is said that
a group of conceited claimants from among the Muslims will add fuel to
the fire of war and cross the land and seas in the cause of Jihad.
Volume 9, Book 88, Number 173:
Narrated 'Abdullah:
The Prophet said, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount (Kauthar)
and some men amongst you will be brought to me, and when I will try to
hand them some water, they will be pulled away from me by force
whereupon I will say, 'O Lord, my companions!' Then the Almighty will
say, 'You do not know what they did after you left, they introduced
new things into the religion after you.'"
Comments: The Prophet here
says that Almighty told him that his religion will be twisted by some
persons after his death.
Volume 9, Book 88, Number 181:
Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh:
The Prophet got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said,
"None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from
the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been
made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this." (Sufyan illustrated by
this forming the number 90 or 100 with his fingers.) It was asked,
"Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous people among us?"
The Prophet said, "Yes, if evil increased."
Comments: Here the Prophet is
quoted as warning that if the evil increased, the Arabs would be
destroyed even if there are righteous people among them. |